Web News

Time Saving Tips for Front-End Developers

May 14, 2024
May 28, 2024
Episode Number:

Sometimes web development deadlines can come up faster than expected, or even worse, your workload may overwhelm the amount of time you have left until a deliverable is due. When this happens, it's easy to panic, procrastinate, or even quit altogether. Thankfully, development has a lot of wiggle room in how tasks are performed and can typically be worked on anywhere (in office, at home, on-the-go). This week, Matt and Mike discussed how to save time when you're working on your website's UI, more specifically, Matt reflected on a recent busy week where he pulled out all the stops on time saving while doing front-end development.


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  • On paper it may seem that the best way to develop websites is to take your time and do it properly
  • With that in mind, it may seem that developing slowly and as perfectly as possible would be the best approach
  • While this method may result in a highly polished product, the time investment is extremely highsome text
    • The development process and time invested also do not play well with changes that may need to be made rapidly as designs and content needs change
  • In my last episode, we explored ways to develop websites quickly using custom code, no-code, and hiring web dev agencies to help get the job donesome text
    • In this episode, I want to explore how to save time when you're coding your own UI
    • I picked up these tips and tricks along the way from my custom coded websites as well as ones created on Webflow

Make "notes" in your CSS classes

  • If you want to take an existing class (ie .content-box) and make a new content box that is similar, but you don't want to simply add a new class on top (ie .content-box .new) then add notes to your new classsome text
    • Copy the entire .content-box class with all its properties
    • Add a "note" at the beginning of it ".new-content-box"
    • The idea is that now your content box will look the same, but you have free reign over changing properties and breaking it entirely - you can always go back and copy + paste the original .content-box properties again
    • Make your work glanceable to make it faster to work on

When to start over: preservation is sometimes overrated

  • When you're working on a project that already has a similar page, or section, that you're trying to work with it makes sense to copy + paste that existing section then start working on modifying it
  • Sometimes, modifications can take longer than the creation of a new like-element:some text
    • Strictly laid out sections (ie CSS Grid-heavy)
    • Complex CSS structure (ie class name standards - hard to use if you're unfamiliar, but should it be disturbed?)
    • Preserving in a production environment (can't change existing classes, due to their use elsewhere)
    • Too much hacking (ie using padding instead of margin, to get results you want)
    • Too many and too complex "combo classes"

Work now, refactor later

  • When under the demands of high-speed development, you may have no choice but to work quick enough to get the job done without worrying about how it looks, is commented, or how efficient it is
  • The idea behind this is that you work to get it functioning, then you spend less time refactoring it later to "tune it up"
  • Benefitssome text
    • You get work done quickly
    • Get feedback faster
    • Can make changes quicker (since you aren't worried about how it works/looks yet)
  • Downfallsome text
    • Refactoring can introduce new bugs
    • It's easy to miss things when refactoring
  • The Realitysome text
    • This method is a necessary evil to deliver solutions quickly, while still allotting time (hopefully) to strive towards perfection

Isolate your work

  • If you're still waiting for final approvals, or don't want to disturb a production environment - isolate your work
  • Instead of tiptoeing around the risk of changing a page that is in production, it much less stressful and much more responsible to isolate your work to a development area of some sort
  • In an isolated environment you can work quickly, without worry about the public seeing a WIP - feedback, changes and experimentations can be done rapidly without worry that an experiment may take too long to make and analyze while the public suffers

Get Unstuck and Continue

  • If you get stuck on a problem, spend some time trying to solve it, and if you're stumped - move on to the rest of your work and come back to the problem
  • If you're given 5 pages to make and you get stuck halfway on the first onesome text
    • You don't want to hit the deadline having just solved your problem and finished one page
    • It looks much better finishing 4.5/5
    • And working on the other pages may give you an idea of the solution

Cliché but true: Get Started

  • Don’t sit there marveling at the amount of work you need to do and get started - you're almost always faster than you think